The Knowledge: Dames' Delight
[This is story 11 from my second book of Jimmy Emmett stories, called The Knowledge. It is not yet published, but here is a foretaste of the continuing fun and charm to be had with the Jimmy Emmett stories] DAMES’ DELIGHT I did of course realise that Rebecca missed her family. Three months, she had once said, was a long time without seeing one’s nearest and dearest. This was true. But then the old Ford motor car was not very reliable for long distance trips, and fuel cost quite lot. There was also much to do, she said, before her exams. She had been on a dig in Italy, and then gone straight, and early, to Oxford. When I say she missed her family, that means she missed her parents. As for me, she could manage quite well without me. I had this way of interfering and causing problems for her, which made her see me as a little brat, even though of course deep down I knew by now that she actually did love me. Item: every postcard I sent her with cheeky drawings and ...